Payton College Prep

Helping Clients go to the colleges they dream of at a price they don’t have nightmares about

Our Services


Payton College Prep specializes in ACT/SAT tutoring. We build individualized test prep plans for our clients during client consultation. Thanks to our attention to detail and personalized tutoring, we see remarkable results. Our clients average a 3-4 point increase in ACT score in just weeks.

Application and Scholarship Help

At Payton College Prep, we know that college prep does not stop at just preparing for the ACT or SAT. Applications, interviews, essays, we’ve been through it all and know just how time consuming and stressful it can be for parents and students. That is why we do more than just teach our clients about a test, we guide them through the system as a whole.


Application and Scholarship Help

Payton College Prep specializes in ACT/SAT tutoring. We realize that every student has unique needs and limiting factors in testing. We build individualized test prep plans for our clients during client consultation. Because of this attention to detail with each and every one of our clients, we see remarkable results. Our clients average a 3-4 point increase in ACT score in just weeks.

At Payton College Prep, we know that college prep does not stop at just preparing for the ACT or SAT. Applications, interviews, essays, we’ve been through it all and know just how time consuming and stressful it can be for parents and students. That is why we do more than just teach our clients about a test, we guide them through the system as a whole.

We Work For You!

At Payton College Prep we take pride in helping our customers accomplish their academic goals; be that getting into your dream school or saving as much money on college as possible. Deciding to partner with Payton College Prep means hiring a professional to be in your corner as you go throughout the college application process. Helping you raise your SAT or ACT score is just one part of our plan to help you accomplish your goals. From federal grants to academic and athletic scholarships, we know the system inside and out and notify all of our clients of opportunities they qualify for and upcoming deadlines.


This was an amazing experience! I loved that my tutor took the time to go through and explain how to solve hard problems in a way that actually made sense to me. Through this process, I went from an ACT score of 26 to a 29. I am currently working further with Payton College Prep to improve my score to a 30+. This was an excellent experience and I highly recommend it!
Jenna P. - Student
After working with my tutor at Payton College Prep, my ACT score has gone from a 22 to a 27. They have also helped me find several scholarships to apply for and helped me stay on track with my deadlines. Partnering with Payton College Prep has opened the door to many new educational opportunities for me and has saved my family tens of thousands of dollars in student debt in the long run.
Lucas N. - Student